Savanna Tapestry

When I walk (carefully!) out into a savanna and look down, I am struck by the incredible diversity spread out at my feet. So many different leaf shapes, colors and textures. So many species vying for space. And that is just what I can see. Different seasons bring different species. Plus, think of all thatContinue reading “Savanna Tapestry”

Finding the Abstract Design in the Landscape

Or, Moving is dangerous! We are in the throes of moving. It is wonderful now to look out at a pristine lake surrounded by trees when I wake up. Instead of barking dogs and carousing humans, we now fall asleep to murmuring geese. But moving brings surprises, too. One of them was seeing my paintingsContinue reading “Finding the Abstract Design in the Landscape”

Art, Music, Photography, Poetry and Quotations

Artist by choice, photographer by default, poet by accident.


Paintings, Poetry & my daily ADHDays portrait series

Tom Scott Art

The online home of the Irish oil painter

Alli Farkas Artist Adventures

A little chronicle of an artist's meanderings on the road to sustainability in an artistic life (read: make some money from art!)


Making the most of every new day!

Melissa Blue Paintings

Paintings Inspired by Nature

Poetry and Art

Francina & Guests

On Art and Aesthetics

Publication + Consultancy. Championing creative talent before a mass audience. Passionately global.

Western Carolina Botanical Club

The mission of the Club is to identify and study native plants and their habitats

Kevin Gleason Art

Plein air lanscape paintings from Santa Barbara and beyond...

Illinois Native Plant Society

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

B +Ve!!

A site for all thinkers to discover more positivity from life and grow together!

return to the natives ... native plants are the answer.


I am beautiful princess.

My Small Surrenders



I want everyone to share & deeply understand beauty, then live it.

Suzette B's Blog

Inspiration and Spirituality **Award Free**