Savanna Tapestry

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” ~John Muir

When I walk (carefully!) out into a savanna and look down, I am struck by the incredible diversity spread out at my feet. So many different leaf shapes, colors and textures. So many species vying for space. And that is just what I can see. Different seasons bring different species. Plus, think of all that is going on underground! Amazing. And yes, everything is connected.

I recently went to a talk by Doug Tallamy. Have you heard of him? He has written some wonderful books, such as Nature’s Best Hope. He is one of the most inspiring speakers I’ve encountered. He points out that in the US most of the land is in private hands. By far. And he posits the question: what if every homeowner planted some native plants in lieu of lawn? I have myself seen what happens when one person does it. At my last home I started 25 years ago with native trees and shrubs, followed by forbs. The appearance in my tiny yard of native bees, dragonflies, butterflies, and birds was astounding. I used to think, wistfully, what if the neighbors to either side did the same thing? What more could we accomplish? It amazes me to think the birds I support here with native insects and berries can then fly south to overwinter in far away places. Connected, indeed!

This is a largish painting, at 30×40″. A bit of a bold choice, maybe, for showing a bit of ground. I enjoyed the design possibilities, though. I hope you do as well.

Published by melissabluefineart

visit me at to see my original paintings available for sale.

11 thoughts on “Savanna Tapestry

  1. This is an appealing scene. I’m surprised by how quickly it reminded me of a very specific spot near me, where old logs were surrounded by a Texan endemic: Texas Tauschia. I’m sure it’s the log that did it, since the colors are different, but no matter; I still like it very much, both for what it is and for the associations it raised.

  2. I can’t tell you how pleased I am that my painting stirred a happy memory for you. That is exactly what a painting should do. It sounds like it is a very similar habitat.

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